Where Climate Science Meets Economic Resilience
Steve Mock
What We Do
Develop a detailed understanding of how severely and rapidly climate change is impacting the fast warming Himalayas.
Create year-round STEM education and opportunities for communities in the Khumbu and students around the world.
Advance cutting-edge field work across scientific disciplines: climatology, glaciology, geology, ecology, physiology, anthropology.
Grow local workforce capacity and spur economic development in Sherpa villages through technical training and outreach.
Provide community members and scientists with infrastructure for on-site analysis, climate monitoring and data collection.
Inform evidenced-based strategies for mitigating the impacts of climate change in the Himalayas and across the world.
Photos by Steve Mock, Elizabeth Byers and Eric Wong.
“Just as we become aware of this hidden splendor of the past, we are in danger of denying it to the future.”
-George Schaller, Stones of Silence
Steve Mock